How can we help you make a better tomorrow?

Purk and Associates Tax Exempt Services group aides associations, hospitals, unions, foundations, and other 501(c) entities.  Our team works with organizational leadership to ensure federal and state form 990 compliance, unrelated business income tax planning/compliance, consulting, special projects and assisting the nonprofits to keep abreast of the ever-changing current world of federal government stimulus opportunities.


Our advisors stay up to date on IRS regulations and are regulatory educate themselves on current law changes and trends from regulatory agencies. Our goal is to tailor our services to best suit your needs.  There is no one size fits all approach.  

We specialize in the following services: 

  • Federal and State form 990 Compliance
    • Keeping you up to date and informed of ongoing changes with the IRS
  • Federal and State form Unrelated Business Income Compliance
    • Filing 990-T with IRS
    • Satisfying state filing requirement when necessary
    • Assisting you with planning to minimize UBIT
  • Entity Planning
    • When necessary, we can examine if your organization could benefit from having multiple entities. This can help to manage risk and protect your tax-exempt status.
  • Application for Tax Exempt Status (forms 1023 and 1024)
    • Assist your organization to obtain tax exempt status or be reinstated
  • State Charitable Registration
    • Certain nonprofit entities are required to register with state departments.  Doing so will help you avoid monetary penalties in the states where your nonprofit solicits donations.
  • Special Projects
    • We can assist you in a variety of ways – from helping you get caught up on your bookkeeping because a shortage of staff to identify, calculate and file refund claims for potential employment tax credits that your organization qualifies for.